Live Chat – A Future of Shopping

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Live Chat – A Future of Shopping

This Machine Learning Glossary aims to briefly introduce the most important Machine Learning terms – both for the commercially and…

Customer service used to be a reactive process.

Customer service used to be a reactive process. If a customer had a problem, they were forced
to contact customer service and wait while the company tried to address their needs. It was all
about responding to the customer’s questions, problems, needs, and complaints. This could
lead to substantial delays in receiving answers or assistance from the company.

Today, more than ever before, customer experience is the driving force behind consumer decisions.

Today, more than ever before, customer experience is the driving force behind consumer
decisions. There has always been a link between the quality of experiences and sales, but now
this link is much more significant because consumers have the ability to share their experiences
with millions of people across multiple communication channels. So it’s not enough to meet
expectations—consumers’ first choice is to do business with companies they can trust to
exceed them at every opportunity.

In a 2017 survey of over 2,000 consumers in the U.S., researchers found that 73% said valuing
their time is the most important thing a company can do when providing good customer service.
Friendly and competent employees are also important, but only if they’re knowledgeable enough
to solve problems quickly. Consumers today want their issues resolved fast and by someone
who fully understands what they need and how they feel—and they’d like that person on the
other side of any channel at any time.

Live chat enables you to extend that shopping experience online.

Live chat is not a replacement for the in-store shopping experience. However, live chat enables
you to extend that shopping experience online. You can provide the same level of service you
do in the store and be there for your customers when they need advice or information. For
example, you can help them choose outfits and accessories, explain how to use products, and
even tell stories about your brand — all of which encourage customer retention and builds brand

Another benefit of live chat is its ability to be personalized. Hyper-personalization is an important
part of e-commerce as it enables companies to build relationships with their customers while
engaging them with relevant content. Personalization provides your company with a competitive
advantage in today’s marketplace by enhancing brand perception, increasing conversions, and
ensuring customer satisfaction which ultimately leads to customer loyalty. Live chat reduces the
number of abandoned carts and complaints, making it easier for you to stay on top of your

And why wouldn’t you want to use live chat? Not only does it help with customer service, but it
also allows you to keep track of visitors and their activity on your website. This way, you can
know where they’re coming from and how to best target them in the future. You can even get
data about their browsing habits!

Live chat is a great way to connect with your customers and make sure they are happy.
When you’re selling on an e-commerce platform, it’s easy to get caught up in the numbers—how
many items have been sold, what kind of profit you’re bringing in, and so on. But one important
thing that can get lost in the shuffle is how your customers feel about their experience with your
brand. If you want to know how many people are coming back for more, then it’s important to
know how those people feel about their experience with your company.

Live Chat provides shoppers with an easy way to reach a brand when questions arise as they browse and shop on eCommerce sites.

Live Chat provides shoppers with an easy way to reach a brand when questions arise as they
browse and shop on eCommerce sites. In fact, Live Chat’s instant communication has been
shown to be the top reason customers prefer it over other channels.

Customers can get fast answers from brands. They don’t need to wait for a reply to an email or
call a support line, which will inevitably put them in the queue for several minutes.

In fact, 91% of consumers said they would return to a website and become regular customers if they had a positive live chat experience

Live chat has become an essential channel for e-commerce retailers, and it’s changing the way
that consumers interact with their favorite brands. According to the State of B2C Live Chat
Survey from Olark, 91% of consumers said that they would return to a website after a positive
live chat experience. That’s because live chat offers quick answers and personalized support at
any moment—allowing your customers to get exactly what they need when they need it. Plus, it
allows you to collect real-time feedback from shoppers as they browse your site, so you can
make adjustments that will help drive sales.

About 53% of shoppers are more likely to purchase on a site that has live chat available.


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